Primary Program

Wing Chun is an ancient method of training your mind, body and spirit to act as one.

Wing Chun practitioners strive for harmony, but also learn effective and often devastating self-defense techniques.

Children who get involved in Wing Chun reap many benefits in several areas of life.
Wing Chun originated in China about 350 years ago.

Fitness is a crucial element of Wing Chun classes. Warm ups include star jumps, push ups and stretches. The movements of Wing Chun will improve your muscles and cardiovascular system. Wing Chun students are known for being toned, flexible and physically fit.

​The ability to defend yourself against an assailant is an empowering feeling.

Training Wing Chun, the use of self defense Techniques are the cornerstone of the entire program. With regular practice, your child will learn to defend himself or herself in a variety of different ways. The Wing Chun Bing Fa Academy teaches street-smart techniques to kids to help avoid problems altogether.

First defence, verbal self defence. Avoid the fight. Be aware. Communicate.

​Wing Chun helps to instil mental focus in your child, giving them the ability to concentrate on a task and see it through to its conclusion. The discipline taught at the academy in regards to uniforms, customs and techniques will translate into other areas of life, including school and household chores.

​Wing Chun is all about respect. Punching and kicking are all secondary to the respect that is shown from the moment you walk into the academy. Children learn to bow (wing Chun courtesy) to the masters (teachers) who came before them, and to their current instructors. They also learn to treat other students as they wish to be treated. Wing Chun instructors press upon the respect issue regularly and instruct students to practice respect not only for themselves, their parents, teachers and peers. A every opportunity.

​A child who is involved in Wing Chun is generally a child who is confident in him or herself.
A ranking system gives a child measurable goals to follow and are realistic to attain.
The sense of accomplishment a child feels by learning, mastering a new technique or graduating to a new level will inspire them, wherever they go in in their journey of life.

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