Chum Kil and Bridging the Gap Seminar

This Saturday at 2:00pm-4:00pm, September 21st. 

Investment: $50.00

…A great way for beginners who are taking their training seriously.

A must for all levels.

You will learn from this seminar and understand how to relate the movements to grading for the future levels. You will be taught how to utilize the techniques and theory from this form, Chum Kil.


Children's classes-Parents

As you are aware from conversations with Si Mo Sophie, there is now a Direct Debit preferred method of payment for your child's Wing Chun class. This is $30.00 monthly or $15.00 fortnightly. Your child is entitled to train 1-3 classes per week. Ten lesson cards are available @ $100.00 per card.

Please note: 

Existing 10 lesson cards will still be accepted until the card is complete. 


Winter has arrived

Please remember to check the timetable in regards to class time adjustments.

-The normal running timetable will resume October 1st.

Monday and Tuesday there are no 7:30pm classes over Winter. 

Monday 6:30pm is now the forms/wooden dummy class.

Tuesday 6:30pm will run the drill sparring (chase and retreat) AND Sparring class (Shin guard, mouth guard, groin guard and mitts compulsory). 

Wednesday 7:30pm Fit and Trim class will run as normal.  

Thursday 7:30pm Carlson Gracie Jiu Jitsu class will run as normal. 


Defence Against Multiple Attack Seminar

Would you know what to do if you were faced with a multiple attack situation? 

Do you want to be more aware of your surroundings? 

Do you know who is with whom? 

Have you looked for your exits? 

When dealing with a multiple attack, the right positioning, footwork and balance is paramount. 

Don't get stuck in the middle between your opponents. 


Position yourself in a single line rather than being faced with two frontal facing opponents.

Hit the right targets for optimal results. 


Footwork Seminar


The most important seminar: Footwork.

A ‘must’, for beginners. To all senior students, it’s always important to brush up on your basics!

A Wing Chun Bing Fa Kung Fu practitioner must be able to move quickly and safely from one stance to another in defence, and in the case of attack. The key to Wing Chun., footwork is the foundation of the system.

You must be able to bridge the gap with adequate protection to your body and your vital targets........

The ability to stop and change is pivotal to the system and is one of the hardest principles to master. Everything in Wing Chun Bing Fa Kung Fu is designed with interruption in mind. Some examples of this design are:

1.  The stance, with even weight distribution over both legs, enables the practitioner utmost mobility in any direction and at any moment.

2.  Stepping with the ball/toe of the foot. This allows quicker movement and interruption of a step. Stepping with the heel leaves you flat footed, eliminating the ability to interrupt…….

“Make your fighting stance your everyday stance; make your everyday stance your fighting stance.” Miyamoto Musashi (The book the five rings).

Queen's Birthday weekend class detail

Saturday June 8th: Children and Adults who train on Saturday, there will be no Saturday classes this weekend. 

Sunday June 9th: Wing Chun Practitioners come in and train on Sunday this weekend as Si Hing Darryl will be running the 11:00am class as normal. 

Monday June 10th: No classes running. 

Tuesday June 11th: Classes resume as normal. 

Students going away for the long weekend and well deserved rest. Happy and safe traveling!!

Early Bird Classes

Early morning classes have been running for the last seven years. The attendance has unfortunately not increased.

The door is not closed .We will be listening to students over time, expressing positive interest of attendance for these brave morning classes for there could be potential early classes again in time to come....

The final early morning class will be Wednesday 15/05/2013 ( Text booking the night before 8:30pm is requested as normal).

For those who have attended over the years,  I commend you. It has not gone unnoticed. To continue as a Wing Chun Practitioner and to maintain the skill, now is the time to  adjust your routine (mentally and physically)  and venture into the evening Wing Chun world of training and meet (If you haven't already) your fellow brother and sisters who also love the art and martial arts as a whole of living, breathing and training Wing Chun. ....The biggest difference. The sun is rising as always. You will now enjoy the sun setting. Be great to see you there. Simo:)